Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression - Blog 3


Marketplace of Ideas 

 This theory stood out to me the most because the name doesn't fit the description. The Marketplace of Ideas theory is explained as, "when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will win out." This resonated with me because I am a person who highly values the truth, and giving people the truth. I believe in "good things happen to good people" and by doing the right thing, like telling the truth, even if you don't get rewarded for telling the truth in that exact moment. I truly believe good karma will follow you. In the end, when the truth is revealed over the lie, it makes the truth that much more powerful/meaningful. I feel that this theory is the most important in today's society because everyday, people question what is said on social media, news stations, political rallies, and you never know what is truly real or fake. An example of this theory can be seen in the ongoing debate about free speech and censorship on social media platforms. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit host a vast array of opinions and discussions on various topics, from political issues to social justice. 

Free Speech on Social Media This link provides an article that further dives into the debate about free speech and what you can and can't say on social media. 

Individual Self Fulfillment

The concept of individual self fulfillment is extremely important in todays society because it allows individuals to express their own beliefs and values which in return boosts that individuals confidence in their own opinion/beliefs. An example of this can be seen all across social media platforms because it gives people a place to freely share their thoughts and communicate with others of similar or opposing beliefs. A specific example could be the LGBTQ community using these platforms to spread their views, build communities of like minded people, and raise awareness. I believe social media has grown a lot in this area of self fulfillment because in all honesty, many people like to hind their opinion behind a screen. By using social media to find people who think like them, this gives these people a sense of power and belonging, even though SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT REAL INTERACTION! I completely understand feeling less isolated on the internet but nowadays everyone fights behind phones screens, and people speak in completely different ways online, rather than being face to face, and dealing with arguments/debates head on. 

Promote Tolerance

Why we need free speech

Free speech in America has taught out country to be immune to normally threatening/offensive speech, and build a more open and understanding society. Everyday on social media politicians, news anchors, and internet personalities are being bashed and critiqued on everything they say. Although it seems ironic, protecting hate speech forces us to deal with opposing opinions, which in return creates "society norms" on what is okay and not okay to say. Social media is a place where all sorts of opinions are shared, and platforms where people express their views openly offer a chance for people to talk and learn from others. For instance, when hate speech appears online, it frequently starts conversations about why it is wrong and needs to be punished. This kind of discussion promotes tolerance and helps in our understanding of various points of opinion.

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