Thursday, September 26, 2024

Age of AI

Watching the documentary on the implications of AI left me with a mix of fascination and concern. It’s clear that the future of work is being changed in real-time, and understanding this evolution is crucial for my generation. Here are some key takeaways that stood out to me.

One major theme was the disproportionate impact of job automation on women, particularly in  positions like cashiers. I hadn’t fully grasped how specific demographics would bear the brunt of job losses due to AI advancements. This realization showed the importance of including gender equity in conversations about technology and employment. The documentary shows that as efficiency rises, so does the risk of widening the already significant gap between different socioeconomic groups. This reality is a reminder that technological progress is not always equitable.

Another crucial point emphasized was the urgent need for "reskilling and upskilling" workers to thrive in a future increasingly dominated by AI. While it’s exciting to think about the new opportunities that technology can create, the economic barriers many face in acquiring these skills are concerning. It raises the question: who will be able to take advantage of these new roles? This disparity could lead to a workforce divided not only by skill level but also by economic status, further stretching existing inequalities.

The documentary also addressed the rising inequality fueled by AI, which was both surprising and frightening. It revealed how AI contributes to wealth concentration among those who already have capital. Experts highlighted the moral implications of this wealth gap, which made me reflect on the  responsibilities of those creating AI technologies. It’s alarming to think about how unregulated AI could lead to a society where a small elite controls most resources and power, leaving the majority behind.

The discussion around surveillance capitalism was another eye-opener. I was shocked to learn how tech giants exploit AI to gather and monetize user data, often without individuals’ full awareness. The Cambridge Analytica scandal, in particular, illustrated the significant implications for data privacy. The video emphasized the need for consumer control over personal data, highlighted by Alastair Mactaggart's efforts to introduce privacy legislation in California. While it’s encouraging to see movements toward regulation, the ongoing battle for privacy rights in the digital age feels daunting.

The geopolitical dynamics explored in the documentary added another layer of complexity. The extensive use of AI for state surveillance in China, especially against the Uighur population, it very scary. It raises critical questions about human rights and the global spread of authoritarian surveillance practices. The idea that countries might align with either the U.S. or China in a divided tech landscape is concerning, it suggests that our freedoms could be dictated by geopolitical rivalries.

In conclusion, while the documentary highlighted many alarming realities, it also offered a glimmer of hope, especially through Kai-Fu Lee’s perspective on the potential for AI to promote human flourishing if managed responsibly. As we navigate this AI-driven future, it’s essential to engage in meaningful conversations about equity, privacy, and the ethical use of technology. The discussions prompted by this documentary are vital as we shape a future that prioritizes democratic values and social justice, ensuring that advancements benefit everyone, not just a select few.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Diffusions of Innovations

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) have exploded in popularity recently, and it’s fascinating to analyze this trend through the Diffusion of Innovations Theory by Everett Rogers. This theory helps explain how new ideas and technologies spread, and it really sheds light on why so many people are hopping on the EV bandwagon while others are still hesitant.

Why Did EVs Catch On?

At first, electric vehicles faced a lot of skepticism. Concerns about range, charging, and performance were major roadblocks. But then, as climate change became a hot topic and government incentives rolled out, things started to change. Companies like Tesla emerged as innovators, proving that EVs could be stylish, fast, and practical. This caught the attention of early adopters who are willing to take a risk on new technology. Their excitement and positive experiences fueled a growing interest among the general public.

The Role of Early Adopters

Early adopters play a crucial role in spreading new technology. They tend to be more open to change and often share their experiences on social media. As more people saw their friends and influencers driving electric cars, it created a buzz. Plus, with the expansion of charging stations and improvements in battery technology, the perceived downsides of owning an EV started to fade. It’s kind of like a snowball effect, the more people that adopt, the more attractive it looks to those sitting on the fence.

What About Late Adopters?

Of course, not everyone is eager to jump into the EV scene. Late adopters tend to be more cautious and may wait for the technology to prove itself. They often look for lower prices and more established reliability before making the switch. Laggards, who are really resistant, might stick to their gas cars out of a sense of familiarity or skepticism about the new tech. It’s interesting how personal values and social circles can really shape these decisions.

Downsides of Electric Vehicles

Despite their many benefits, EVs do have some downsides. Battery production can be environmentally harmful, and the charging infrastructure is still catching up. For people living in more rural areas, finding a charging station can be a hassle. Additionally, while EVs save money on fuel and maintenance in the long run, the initial purchase price can be a barrier for many.

Gas vs. EV - This link dives deeper into comparing gas vs electric cars.

Personal Decision-Making

When I think about whether to get an EV, it really comes down to weighing the pros and cons. Sure, the upfront cost is higher, but then I consider the savings on gas and maintenance over time. Plus, driving an electric car feels like I’d be doing my part for the environment, which is important to me…who am I kidding. I WILL NEVER GET AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE!!! People can say all they want about the climate change and how EV’s are our future, but not for me. What brings me happiness is feeling and hearing the power of an American built V8. Electric cars take the fun out of driving making it feel like a chore. 

Plan For Gas Cars - This link shows how some states are planning to phase out gas cars.

Price Comparision - Shows the cost comparisons to owning an EV vs gas car

Weighing Costs and Benefits

In my mind, it’s all about balancing the costs and benefits. While the initial investment might be steep, I believe the long-term savings could make an EV worth it in people eyes. Plus, with the increasing awareness of our carbon footprints, going electric seems like a responsible choice. As more people think about these factors, I can see EVs continuing to gain traction.

In conclusion, electric vehicles perfectly illustrate the principles of the Diffusion of Innovations Theory. The combination of innovative technology, early adopters, and a societal shift toward sustainability has helped EVs become mainstream. While challenges remain, the benefits of both environmental and economic factors make a compelling case. As we navigate our choices, the appeal of driving an EV is likely to grow.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Blog 5 - Privacy, Online and Off

  • How do these issues affect you? You friends and family?

Privacy invasion and cyberharassment are huge issues that affect us all, as well as our friends and family. Juan Enriquez talks about how our personal info is getting tracked and exposed through social media and tech. He calls these “electronic tattoos,” and they make it hard to escape being watched. This constant surveillance can make anyone feel like they’re always under a microscope. It’s not just personal anxiety though, our friends and family are affected too. They might deal with the stress of having their privacy compromised or deal with the fallout of having their personal info exposed.

Darieth Chisolm’s story is a powerful example of how devastating cyberharassment can be. Her experience with revenge porn, where explicit photos were shared online without her consent, shows the intense emotional toll that this kind of abuse can take. It doesn’t just hurt the victims; their friends and family often deal with the stress and worry about their own digital safety while trying to support the person affected.

  • What should the government be doing about these issues?

The government really needs to step up. When it comes to privacy and surveillance, we need stricter laws to protect our data from being collected and used without our consent. They should also regulate how law enforcement uses surveillance tools to prevent abuse. Christopher Soghoian highlights the importance of encryption and how it helps keep our conversations private. We need laws that support strong encryption to protect our communications from being intercepted. For issues like cyberharassment, there should be solid laws against revenge porn with real penalties for offenders. Plus, there should be more support for victims and stricter rules for online platforms to hold them accountable for what gets shared.

  • What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

On a personal level, we can protect ourselves by being careful about what we share online and keeping our privacy settings up to date. Using encrypted messaging apps, as Soghoian suggests, is also a good way to keep our conversations private. Staying informed about digital privacy and taking steps to secure our personal data is crucial. If someone falls victim to cyberharassment, they should act quickly to protect their digital content, report the abuse, and seek help from organizations that deal with digital abuse. By taking these steps and being aware of what Enriquez, Soghoian, and Chisolm have shared, we can better protect ourselves and support those affected by these issues.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

EOTO - Carrier Pigeons


  • History: Who invented your technology? What were the circumstances? What problem were they trying to solve with their invention? 

    • In the 5th century BC the first network of pigeon messengers is thought to have been established in Assyria and Persia by Cyrus the Great. In 2000 BC they were carrying messages to warring groups in Mesopotamia. Carrier pigeons at the time, was a generational way of communication. Before the use of carrier pigeons, people used a variety of methods to communicate over long distances. For example, smoke signals, and balloon mail which was transporting mail using helium or hydrogen filled balloons.

    • Pigeons were used to communicate in many ways, from war, commerce, and navigation in the early 1800s. Messenger pigeons were used to solve the ongoing problem of long-distance communication. This invention at the time was the quickest and most accurate way of delivering messages across distant settlements/tribes. Messenger pigeons were trained to fly back to their home lofts from various locations, which allowed people to send messages across distances without relying on slower and less dependable methods like foot messengers or early postal systems.

    • These pigeons were especially valuable in times of war, when quick communication could be crucial. They could carry messages tied to their legs, and because they have an homing ability, they could reliably return to their home base even if they were released from a different location. This made them an effective means of communication before the invention of modern telecommunication technologies.

    • History of Carrier Pigeons

  • Impact: How did the invention change our world? What problems did it solve? How did it change communication? Did it have any negative effects?

    • Messenger pigeons were lifesavers, especially during wartime. For example, during World War I and II, pigeons flew crucial messages across enemy lines when other communication methods were too risky or broken. I came across a story about a French pigeon named Cher Ami which means "dear friend", who despite being injured, delivered a message that saved nearly 200 soldiers. These pigeons often made the difference between life and death when other options failed.

    • Learn More About Cher Ami

    • Pigeons were incredibly reliable when it came to sending messages. They have this amazing homing instinct, so they could fly back to their "home base" from far places with pretty much guaranteed accuracy. In a time before high-tech gadgets, they were a go-to for making sure important messages got through, especially in urgent situations.

    • The cool thing about messenger pigeons was how versatile they were. You could use them in pretty much any setting, whether you were out in the country, in a war trench, or even on a ship. Unlike wired communication.  

    • Even though messenger pigeons have many great benefit there were a few drawbacks. One being that they had a limited range, if a message needed to be sent an extremely long distance, people had to resort to relay systems which could be very inefficient. Second, like any living creatures, pigeons were susceptible to diseases and health issues. Outbreaks of diseases could eliminate pigeon populations, cutting communication. Finally, training pigeons to deliver messages accurately required time and expertise. There were always risks of pigeons not performing as expected, either due to little training or weird behavior. Miscommunications could also occur if pigeons became disoriented and lost their way home.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression - Blog 3


Marketplace of Ideas 

 This theory stood out to me the most because the name doesn't fit the description. The Marketplace of Ideas theory is explained as, "when truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will win out." This resonated with me because I am a person who highly values the truth, and giving people the truth. I believe in "good things happen to good people" and by doing the right thing, like telling the truth, even if you don't get rewarded for telling the truth in that exact moment. I truly believe good karma will follow you. In the end, when the truth is revealed over the lie, it makes the truth that much more powerful/meaningful. I feel that this theory is the most important in today's society because everyday, people question what is said on social media, news stations, political rallies, and you never know what is truly real or fake. An example of this theory can be seen in the ongoing debate about free speech and censorship on social media platforms. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit host a vast array of opinions and discussions on various topics, from political issues to social justice. 

Free Speech on Social Media This link provides an article that further dives into the debate about free speech and what you can and can't say on social media. 

Individual Self Fulfillment

The concept of individual self fulfillment is extremely important in todays society because it allows individuals to express their own beliefs and values which in return boosts that individuals confidence in their own opinion/beliefs. An example of this can be seen all across social media platforms because it gives people a place to freely share their thoughts and communicate with others of similar or opposing beliefs. A specific example could be the LGBTQ community using these platforms to spread their views, build communities of like minded people, and raise awareness. I believe social media has grown a lot in this area of self fulfillment because in all honesty, many people like to hind their opinion behind a screen. By using social media to find people who think like them, this gives these people a sense of power and belonging, even though SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT REAL INTERACTION! I completely understand feeling less isolated on the internet but nowadays everyone fights behind phones screens, and people speak in completely different ways online, rather than being face to face, and dealing with arguments/debates head on. 

Promote Tolerance

Why we need free speech

Free speech in America has taught out country to be immune to normally threatening/offensive speech, and build a more open and understanding society. Everyday on social media politicians, news anchors, and internet personalities are being bashed and critiqued on everything they say. Although it seems ironic, protecting hate speech forces us to deal with opposing opinions, which in return creates "society norms" on what is okay and not okay to say. Social media is a place where all sorts of opinions are shared, and platforms where people express their views openly offer a chance for people to talk and learn from others. For instance, when hate speech appears online, it frequently starts conversations about why it is wrong and needs to be punished. This kind of discussion promotes tolerance and helps in our understanding of various points of opinion.

Age of AI

Watching the documentary on the implications of AI left me with a mix of fascination and concern. It’s clear that the future of work is bein...